Friday, April 2, 2010

Section Separators and Conditional Formatting

Section Separators and Conditional Formatting

Different formatting can be applied to a string based on whether the value is positive,
negative, or zero. To produce this behavior, a custom format string can contain
up to three sections separated by semicolons. These sections are described in the
following table.
No. of Sections

One section

The format string applies to all values.

Two sections

The first section applies to positive values and zeros, and the second section applies
to negative values.
If the number to be formatted is negative, but becomes zero after rounding according
to the format in the second section, then the resulting zero is formatted according
to the first section.

Three sections

The first section applies to positive values, the second section applies to negative
values, and the third section applies to zeros.
The second section can be left empty (by having nothing between the semicolons),
in which case the first section applies to all nonzero values.
If the number to be formatted is nonzero, but becomes zero after rounding according
to the format in the first or second section, then the resulting zero is formatted
according to the third section.

Section separators ignore any preexisting formatting associated with a number when
the final value is formatted. For example, negative values are always displayed
without a minus sign when section separators are used. If you want the final formatted
value to have a minus sign, you should explicitly include the minus sign as part
of the custom format specifier.

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