function(value, element) {
var check = false;
var re = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z _0-9.]+$');
return this.optional(element) || re.test(value);
"No special characters allowed!"
rules: {
LoginName: {
required: true,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Open fancybox on Input Click
$('test desc').fancybox().click();
$("#buttontoclick").click(function() {
$('Friendly description').fancybox({
overlayShow: true
function OpenPage(id) {
'frameWidth': 420, 'frameHeight': 413 // 'frameHeight': 232
$('test desc').fancybox().click();
$("#buttontoclick").click(function() {
$('Friendly description').fancybox({
overlayShow: true
function OpenPage(id) {
'frameWidth': 420, 'frameHeight': 413 // 'frameHeight': 232
JS file with Server Side Variable
Javascript object and class concept
var path = {
currentUrl: "",
getPath: function() {
return this.currentUrl;
TEST: function() {
script type="text/javascript">
path.currentUrl = '';
var path = {
currentUrl: "",
getPath: function() {
return this.currentUrl;
TEST: function() {
script type="text/javascript">
path.currentUrl = '';
authorized.net complete
after including previous four classes call this function on button click
private void DoPayment()
AuthorizeNetRequest objAuthorizeNetRequest = new AuthorizeNetRequest();
// This is the account information for merchant account given by Authorize.Net people in email
// I can see transaction history here.
objAuthorizeNetRequest.Login = LOGINID;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(txtAmount.Text);
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardNumber = txtCreditCardNo.Text;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardExpirationDate = drpExpirationDate.SelectedValue + drpYear.SelectedValue.Substring(2);
objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.AUTH_CAPTURE;
///transaction types
///default is auth capture
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.AUTH_ONLY;
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.CREDIT;
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.VOID;
///we can use other types but will have to provide transaction id if we are going to
///PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE type as this will capture prior authorized transaction.
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionId = "";
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CcvNumber = txtCCV.Text;
// Below is the API created by me by registering for test account.
objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionKey = TRANSACTION_KEY;
AuthorizeNetFields allFields = new AuthorizeNetFields();
allFields.x_First_Name = txtCardName.Text;
allFields.x_Address = "";
allFields.x_City = "";
allFields.x_State = "";
allFields.x_Country = "U.S.A";
allFields.x_Phone = "";
allFields.x_Zip = "";
allFields.x_Tax = "";
allFields.x_Email = "";
allFields.x_Description = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_first_name = txtCardName.Text;
allFields.x_Ship_to_address = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_city = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_state = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_country = "U.S.A";
allFields.x_Ship_to_phone = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_zip = "";
AuthorizeNetResponse objAuthorizeNetResponse = AuthorizeNet.CallAuthorizeNetMethod(objAuthorizeNetRequest, allFields);
if (objAuthorizeNetResponse.IsSuccess)
Response.Write(objAuthorizeNetResponse.SuccessMessage +" ID:"+ objAuthorizeNetResponse.TransactionId);
Response.Write("Error : " + objAuthorizeNetResponse.Errors);
private void DoPayment()
AuthorizeNetRequest objAuthorizeNetRequest = new AuthorizeNetRequest();
// This is the account information for merchant account given by Authorize.Net people in email
// I can see transaction history here.
objAuthorizeNetRequest.Login = LOGINID;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(txtAmount.Text);
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardNumber = txtCreditCardNo.Text;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardExpirationDate = drpExpirationDate.SelectedValue + drpYear.SelectedValue.Substring(2);
objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.AUTH_CAPTURE;
///transaction types
///default is auth capture
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.AUTH_ONLY;
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.CREDIT;
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.VOID;
///we can use other types but will have to provide transaction id if we are going to
///PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE type as this will capture prior authorized transaction.
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionId = "";
//objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType = AuthorizeNet.TransactionType.PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE;
objAuthorizeNetRequest.CcvNumber = txtCCV.Text;
// Below is the API created by me by registering for test account.
objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionKey = TRANSACTION_KEY;
AuthorizeNetFields allFields = new AuthorizeNetFields();
allFields.x_First_Name = txtCardName.Text;
allFields.x_Address = "";
allFields.x_City = "";
allFields.x_State = "";
allFields.x_Country = "U.S.A";
allFields.x_Phone = "";
allFields.x_Zip = "";
allFields.x_Tax = "";
allFields.x_Email = "";
allFields.x_Description = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_first_name = txtCardName.Text;
allFields.x_Ship_to_address = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_city = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_state = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_country = "U.S.A";
allFields.x_Ship_to_phone = "";
allFields.x_Ship_to_zip = "";
AuthorizeNetResponse objAuthorizeNetResponse = AuthorizeNet.CallAuthorizeNetMethod(objAuthorizeNetRequest, allFields);
if (objAuthorizeNetResponse.IsSuccess)
Response.Write(objAuthorizeNetResponse.SuccessMessage +" ID:"+ objAuthorizeNetResponse.TransactionId);
Response.Write("Error : " + objAuthorizeNetResponse.Errors);
part-4 AuthorizeNetResponse.cs
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetResponse
public class AuthorizeNetResponse
public AuthorizeNetResponse()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
private string mstrTransactionId;
private string mlstErrors;
private string mlstSuccessMessage;
public string SuccessMessage
get { return mlstSuccessMessage; }
set { mlstSuccessMessage = value; }
private bool mblnIsSuccess;
public bool IsSuccess
get { return mblnIsSuccess; }
set { mblnIsSuccess = value; }
public string Errors
get { return mlstErrors; }
set { mlstErrors = value; }
public string TransactionId
get { return mstrTransactionId; }
set { mstrTransactionId = value; }
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetResponse
public class AuthorizeNetResponse
public AuthorizeNetResponse()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
private string mstrTransactionId;
private string mlstErrors;
private string mlstSuccessMessage;
public string SuccessMessage
get { return mlstSuccessMessage; }
set { mlstSuccessMessage = value; }
private bool mblnIsSuccess;
public bool IsSuccess
get { return mblnIsSuccess; }
set { mblnIsSuccess = value; }
public string Errors
get { return mlstErrors; }
set { mlstErrors = value; }
public string TransactionId
get { return mstrTransactionId; }
set { mstrTransactionId = value; }
part-3 AuthorizeNetRequest.cs
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetRequest
public class AuthorizeNetRequest
public AuthorizeNetRequest()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
#region Private Member(s)
private string mstrLogin;
private double mdblAmount;
private string mstrTransactionKey;
private string mstrCardNumber;
private string mstrCcvNumber;
private string mstrCardExpirationDate;
private AuthorizeNet.TransactionType enmTransactionType;
private string mstrTransactionId;
#region Public Propertie(s)
public string TransactionId
get { return mstrTransactionId; }
set { mstrTransactionId = value; }
public string CardNumber
get { return mstrCardNumber; }
set { mstrCardNumber = value; }
public string CcvNumber
get { return mstrCcvNumber; }
set { mstrCcvNumber = value; }
public double Amount
get { return mdblAmount; }
set { mdblAmount = value; }
public string Login
get { return mstrLogin; }
set { mstrLogin = value; }
public string CardExpirationDate
get { return mstrCardExpirationDate; }
set { mstrCardExpirationDate = value; }
public string TransactionKey
get { return mstrTransactionKey; }
set { mstrTransactionKey = value; }
public AuthorizeNet.TransactionType TransactionType
get { return enmTransactionType; }
set { enmTransactionType = value; }
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetRequest
public class AuthorizeNetRequest
public AuthorizeNetRequest()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
#region Private Member(s)
private string mstrLogin;
private double mdblAmount;
private string mstrTransactionKey;
private string mstrCardNumber;
private string mstrCcvNumber;
private string mstrCardExpirationDate;
private AuthorizeNet.TransactionType enmTransactionType;
private string mstrTransactionId;
#region Public Propertie(s)
public string TransactionId
get { return mstrTransactionId; }
set { mstrTransactionId = value; }
public string CardNumber
get { return mstrCardNumber; }
set { mstrCardNumber = value; }
public string CcvNumber
get { return mstrCcvNumber; }
set { mstrCcvNumber = value; }
public double Amount
get { return mdblAmount; }
set { mdblAmount = value; }
public string Login
get { return mstrLogin; }
set { mstrLogin = value; }
public string CardExpirationDate
get { return mstrCardExpirationDate; }
set { mstrCardExpirationDate = value; }
public string TransactionKey
get { return mstrTransactionKey; }
set { mstrTransactionKey = value; }
public AuthorizeNet.TransactionType TransactionType
get { return enmTransactionType; }
set { enmTransactionType = value; }
part-2 AuthorizeNetFields.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetFields
public class AuthorizeNetFields
public AuthorizeNetFields()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
private string x_description = string.Empty;
public string x_Description
get { return x_description; }
set { x_description = value; }
private string x_first_name = string.Empty;
public string x_First_Name
get { return x_first_name; }
set { x_first_name = value; }
private string x_last_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Last_Name
get { return x_last_name; }
set { x_last_name = value; }
private string x_address = string.Empty;
public string x_Address
get { return x_address; }
set { x_address = value; }
private string x_city = string.Empty;
public string x_City
get { return x_city; }
set { x_city = value; }
private string x_state = string.Empty;
public string x_State
get { return x_state; }
set { x_state = value; }
private string x_zip = string.Empty;
public string x_Zip
get { return x_zip; }
set { x_zip = value; }
private string x_country = string.Empty;
public string x_Country
get { return x_country; }
set { x_country = value; }
private string x_phone = string.Empty;
public string x_Phone
get { return x_phone; }
set { x_phone = value; }
private string x_fax = string.Empty;
public string x_Fax
get { return x_fax; }
set { x_fax = value; }
private string x_email = string.Empty;
public string x_Email
get { return x_email; }
set { x_email = value; }
private string x_ship_to_first_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_first_name
get { return x_ship_to_first_name; }
set { x_ship_to_first_name = value; }
private string x_ship_to_last_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_last_name
get { return x_ship_to_last_name; }
set { x_ship_to_last_name = value; }
private string x_ship_to_company = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_company
get { return x_ship_to_company; }
set { x_ship_to_company = value; }
private string x_ship_to_address = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_address
get { return x_ship_to_address; }
set { x_ship_to_address = value; }
private string x_ship_to_city = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_city
get { return x_ship_to_city; }
set { x_ship_to_city = value; }
private string x_ship_to_state = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_state
get { return x_ship_to_state; }
set { x_ship_to_state = value; }
private string x_ship_to_zip = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_zip
get { return x_ship_to_zip; }
set { x_ship_to_zip = value; }
private string x_ship_to_phone = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_phone
get { return x_ship_to_phone; }
set { x_ship_to_phone = value; }
private string x_ship_to_country = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_country
get { return x_ship_to_country; }
set { x_ship_to_country = value; }
private string x_tax = string.Empty;
public string x_Tax
get { return x_tax; }
set { x_tax = value; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
/// Summary description for AuthorizeNetFields
public class AuthorizeNetFields
public AuthorizeNetFields()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
private string x_description = string.Empty;
public string x_Description
get { return x_description; }
set { x_description = value; }
private string x_first_name = string.Empty;
public string x_First_Name
get { return x_first_name; }
set { x_first_name = value; }
private string x_last_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Last_Name
get { return x_last_name; }
set { x_last_name = value; }
private string x_address = string.Empty;
public string x_Address
get { return x_address; }
set { x_address = value; }
private string x_city = string.Empty;
public string x_City
get { return x_city; }
set { x_city = value; }
private string x_state = string.Empty;
public string x_State
get { return x_state; }
set { x_state = value; }
private string x_zip = string.Empty;
public string x_Zip
get { return x_zip; }
set { x_zip = value; }
private string x_country = string.Empty;
public string x_Country
get { return x_country; }
set { x_country = value; }
private string x_phone = string.Empty;
public string x_Phone
get { return x_phone; }
set { x_phone = value; }
private string x_fax = string.Empty;
public string x_Fax
get { return x_fax; }
set { x_fax = value; }
private string x_email = string.Empty;
public string x_Email
get { return x_email; }
set { x_email = value; }
private string x_ship_to_first_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_first_name
get { return x_ship_to_first_name; }
set { x_ship_to_first_name = value; }
private string x_ship_to_last_name = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_last_name
get { return x_ship_to_last_name; }
set { x_ship_to_last_name = value; }
private string x_ship_to_company = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_company
get { return x_ship_to_company; }
set { x_ship_to_company = value; }
private string x_ship_to_address = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_address
get { return x_ship_to_address; }
set { x_ship_to_address = value; }
private string x_ship_to_city = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_city
get { return x_ship_to_city; }
set { x_ship_to_city = value; }
private string x_ship_to_state = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_state
get { return x_ship_to_state; }
set { x_ship_to_state = value; }
private string x_ship_to_zip = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_zip
get { return x_ship_to_zip; }
set { x_ship_to_zip = value; }
private string x_ship_to_phone = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_phone
get { return x_ship_to_phone; }
set { x_ship_to_phone = value; }
private string x_ship_to_country = string.Empty;
public string x_Ship_to_country
get { return x_ship_to_country; }
set { x_ship_to_country = value; }
private string x_tax = string.Empty;
public string x_Tax
get { return x_tax; }
set { x_tax = value; }
Part-I AuthorizeNet.cs
#region Namespaces
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using ClassLib.bl;
public static class AuthorizeNet
#region Private Member(s)
private static string UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "Unexpected error";
private static string AUTHORIZENET_TEST_URL ="https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll";
private static string AUTHORIZENET_LIVE_URL ="https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll";
#region Transaction Type Enum(s)
public enum TransactionType
public static string GetSringForEnum(TransactionType TransType)
switch (TransType)
case TransactionType.AUTH_CAPTURE:
return "AUTH_CAPTURE";
case TransactionType.AUTH_ONLY:
return "AUTH_ONLY";
case TransactionType.PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE:
case TransactionType.CREDIT:
return "CREDIT";
case TransactionType.VOID:
return "VOID";
return string.Empty;
private static string GetRequestString(AuthorizeNetRequestobjAuthorizeNetRequest, AuthorizeNetFields allFields, TransactionTypeTransType)
Hashtable post_values = new Hashtable();
post_values.Add("x_login", objAuthorizeNetRequest.Login);
post_values.Add("x_tran_key", objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionKey);
post_values.Add("x_delim_data", "TRUE");
post_values.Add("x_delim_char", '|');
post_values.Add("x_relay_response", "FALSE");
post_values.Add("x_type", GetSringForEnum(TransType));
post_values.Add("x_method", "CC");
post_values.Add("x_card_num", objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardNumber);
post_values.Add("x_exp_date", objAuthorizeNetRequest.CardExpirationDate);
post_values.Add("x_Card_Code", objAuthorizeNetRequest.CcvNumber);
post_values.Add("x_amount", objAuthorizeNetRequest.Amount);
post_values.Add("x_description", allFields.x_Description);
post_values.Add("x_tax", allFields.x_Tax);
post_values.Add("x_first_name", allFields.x_First_Name);
post_values.Add("x_last_name", allFields.x_Last_Name);
post_values.Add("x_address", allFields.x_Address);
post_values.Add("x_city", allFields.x_City);
post_values.Add("x_zip", allFields.x_Zip);
post_values.Add("x_state", allFields.x_State);
post_values.Add("x_country", allFields.x_Country);
post_values.Add("x_phone", allFields.x_Phone);
post_values.Add("x_email", allFields.x_Email);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_first_name", allFields.x_Ship_to_first_name);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_last_name", allFields.x_Ship_to_last_name);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_address", allFields.x_Ship_to_address);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_city", allFields.x_Ship_to_city);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_state", allFields.x_Ship_to_state);
post_values.Add("x_ship_to_zip", allFields.x_Ship_to_zip);
if (TransType == TransactionType.CREDIT || TransType ==TransactionType.PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE || TransType == TransactionType.VOID)
post_values.Add("x_trans_id", objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionId);
String post_string = "";
foreach (DictionaryEntry field in post_values)
post_string += field.Key + "=" + field.Value + "&";
post_string = post_string.TrimEnd('&');
return post_string;
public static AuthorizeNetResponse CallAuthorizeNetMethod(AuthorizeNetRequestobjAuthorizeNetRequest, AuthorizeNetFields allFields)
HttpWebRequest objRequest = null;
if (ReadConfig.IsTestPayment)
objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(AUTHORIZENET_TEST_URL);
objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(AUTHORIZENET_LIVE_URL);
objRequest.Method = "POST";
string postData = GetRequestString(objAuthorizeNetRequest, allFields, objAuthorizeNetRequest.TransactionType);
ASCIIEncoding enco = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byte1 = enco.GetBytes(postData);
objRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
objRequest.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
Stream myWriter = objRequest.GetRequestStream();
myWriter.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
String post_response;
HttpWebResponse objResponse = (HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader responseStream = newStreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()))
post_response = responseStream.ReadToEnd();
Array response_array = post_response.Split('|');
AuthorizeNetResponse objAuthorizeNetResponse = new AuthorizeNetResponse();
HandleResponse(post_response, objAuthorizeNetResponse);
return objAuthorizeNetResponse;
private static void HandleError(AuthorizeNetResponse objAuthorizeNetResponse,string ErrorMessage)
objAuthorizeNetResponse.IsSuccess = false;
objAuthorizeNetResponse.Errors = ErrorMessage;
private static void HandleResponse(string strResponse, AuthorizeNetResponseobjAuthorizeNetResponse)
string[] strWebResponse = strResponse.Split(new char[] { '|' },StringSplitOptions.None);
if (strResponse != null)
if (strWebResponse[0] == "1")
objAuthorizeNetResponse.IsSuccess = true;
if (strWebResponse.Length > 3)
objAuthorizeNetResponse.SuccessMessage = strWebResponse[3];
if (strWebResponse.Length > 6)
objAuthorizeNetResponse.TransactionId = strWebResponse[6];
if (strWebResponse.Length > 3)
HandleError(objAuthorizeNetResponse, strWebResponse[3]);
HandleError(objAuthorizeNetResponse, UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
HandleError(objAuthorizeNetResponse, UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
Javascript function to set cookies
function Set_Cookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure )
// set time, it's in milliseconds
var today = new Date();
today.setTime( today.getTime() );
if the expires variable is set, make the correct
expires time, the current script below will set
it for x number of days, to make it for hours,
delete * 24, for minutes, delete * 60 * 24
if ( expires )
expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) );
document.cookie = name + "=" +escape( value ) +
( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) +
( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" );
// set time, it's in milliseconds
var today = new Date();
today.setTime( today.getTime() );
if the expires variable is set, make the correct
expires time, the current script below will set
it for x number of days, to make it for hours,
delete * 24, for minutes, delete * 60 * 24
if ( expires )
expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) );
document.cookie = name + "=" +escape( value ) +
( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) +
( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" );
Recursion in sql stored procedure
ALTER proc [dbo].[uspGetCardsByCatID] (@catId int)
with RecursionCTE (iCategoryId_PK,iParentCategoryId_FK,sTitle, bIsActive)
select *
from vwCategory
where iParentCategoryId_FK = @catId and bIsActive = 1
union all
select R1.*
from vwCategory as R1
join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.iParentCategoryId_FK = R2.iCategoryId_PK
/*End Recusion*/
Select * from dbo.vwCard where iCategoryId_FK = @catId or iCategoryId_FK in (select iCategoryId_PK from RecursionCTE) order by (iTotalCustomizeOrders + iTotalBlankOrders) DESC
ALTER proc [dbo].[uspGetCardsByCatID] (@catId int)
with RecursionCTE (iCategoryId_PK,iParentCategoryId_FK,sTitle, bIsActive)
select *
from vwCategory
where iParentCategoryId_FK = @catId and bIsActive = 1
union all
select R1.*
from vwCategory as R1
join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.iParentCategoryId_FK = R2.iCategoryId_PK
/*End Recusion*/
Select * from dbo.vwCard where iCategoryId_FK = @catId or iCategoryId_FK in (select iCategoryId_PK from RecursionCTE) order by (iTotalCustomizeOrders + iTotalBlankOrders) DESC
javascript to change group name
change group name :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function changeValidationGrop(){
var btn = document.getElementById("<%=Button1.ClientID %>");
//rfvUsername = document.getElementById("<% = rfvUsername.ClientID %>");
//rfvUsername.ValidationGroup = "Demo";
btn.onclick = function(){
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("Button1", "", true, "Customer", "", false, false));
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